The Crucible of Faith and Belief

What we believe is not tested in a classroom. It is not fully found on paper. Our theology is most tested in the hardships and sufferings of life. Theology is alive, breathing in the thick and thin. Do we really believe the omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, love, immanence, transcendence, and wisdom of God when nothing makes sense, our hearts heavy, and we are pierced by the whispers of the enemy? How do we know? Look out how we live, think, and feel. Faith is revealed ultimately by fire. Where are the limits of our faith? Where does our faith truly lie? It may be that our faith too often rests in the good times of life and when God blesses, but when God takes away, our faith quivers and ceases. This therefore means that our faith was not really in God Himself but in what was in His hand and whether we have it or not.

“The crucible is for silver, and the furnace is for gold, and the Lord tests hearts.” (Proverbs 17:3)

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